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PixelPhone GB

A member registered Mar 17, 2021

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My short review for The Curse of lake Pineview! SUBTITLES aviable in English, spain and german :)

Great little Gem! I love the music, the atmosphere and the battle mechanics. Amazing what u created in 72hours :)

(1 edit)

I have to look, thank u 馃槉

all right. Thank u for the answer. So I have to farm few hours more for the last Dmon :)

I need help pls. I found 11 of 12 dmons but didn't found the last one. Is it hidden? Or i have to watch more? I cant finish this great game :(

it's didn't work on my emulators. Pizzaboy found the gameentry but didn't run and two other (johnsgbac & Lemuroid) didn't found the game. I copied all correctly. 

Thank u for ping 馃槉

I don't want to publish my email on comment section. Can I dm u on Discord?

Hi. I bought your game for few weeks for 3$. Now it coast 5$ dollar and i cant download it again cause it havent any download files?

I love this game but where i find the secret item? U know what i mean 馃槄

Thank u :) yes I added subtitles in different languages :) and thanks for following on Twitter :) I'm excited for ur game! 

(1 edit)

Cause u arent on X:

I put ur game to my most wanted to play list of 2024 :)

thanks for ur comment on YouTube:)

I'm really excited for a new game from u! Take ur Time, I'm patience and waiting for it :)

Hi, great Game! Thank u very much for this great experience :) I made a review of ur game. Language is german but it includes French, English and Spanish translations:)


Danke f眉r die ausf眉hrliche Antwort! Das mit GB Studio freut mich nat眉rlich, da ich dann als Spieler wohl bald noch bessere Spiele bekomme :D Ich freu mich auf die Updates von Legacy of Verintia :)

U will do a rom download in future?

Allright, thanks for the answer :)

great! But for Game Boy? 

Du machst hier noch weiter, oder, oder, oder? ;D

Hi, u will ad chiptune in the future? :)

But u want to make a farm game for game boy too, or fizzlymike? :)

Allright, thank u for the answer 馃槉

Hi, no GBA file? :(

Fully agree. I played together with my son and he loves the game!

Finished the demo. Cant wait for digital full release 馃槏

All right :)

What a great game! Can't believe thisnis possible for game boy! Hopefully u will finish it :)

Hi, u currently work on this?

Digital Copy of the full game when? :)

hey, I played roundabout 3 hours now and maybe get a spoiler bug. If ur play 2031 not don't read anymore now.

I helped the waterboys of Rada. Then found a hidden way to a Bunker... and I can't go back. Found page 3 and all the cutscens starts. 

But it's starts and I haven't the first page. When get the 3.thrd Paige I get all the pages I haven't found yet. I have to say it to u. Maybe u can fix it.

Whatever, it is a great game and I enjoyed every minute. :)

Omg I'm hopeful for a fullgame 馃槉

Yeah! Or space rpg4 or galaxy genom! Great job!

I finished it! Great Game! I really love it! 

greetings from Berlin 馃槉

Here u can play it on ur Webbrowser on phone or u search for pico8 Player on Google Playstore :)

Allright! I fixed it. On pizza Boy it works on my Phone. Great Job! I really love it and get some small tiers in my eyes when I played it with the old sim city OST from snes :)

thank u very much!

hey :)

The GBC Version doesn't work on my Emulator but the GBA version does :) 


Any way to play it on android with controller?

Bester Mann!

Great Game! I love it to play it on my phone :) thank u!